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Meeting Notes 5/4/2021

Felton Library Friends Leadership Team Meeting Notes May 4, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 4:00-5:30

In attendance: Nancy Gerdt, Valerie Haff, Michele Mosher, Jennifer Mount, Rebeka Scott (FSCPL Operations Manager), Judi Sherman, Donna Ziel, Diane McCormick

Guest: Moana Whipple works on the events team and the park work parties. A former math high school teacher, lives in Felton. She was a romance novelist and just got her first beehive.

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future Library and FSCPL activities

  3. Agreement on values statement

  4. Creation of process for community outreach plan

  5. Agreement on meeting time and structure

The Library World

  • Library Advisory Commission Nancy/Jenn

    • Bruce Cotter has resigned from the Leadership Team as 5th district commissioner on the Library Advisory Commission, which gives feedback to SCPL and JPA about library issues and governance. Jenn Mount has applied for the position. She hasn’t been officially appointed but it is on the consent agenda for the board of supervisors.

  • What is happening in the system and at the Felton Branch? Michele

    • Book drop is open 24/7. Begin limited browsing in May (date TBA) with modifications: masks, capacity limits, no seating, bathrooms open, limited computing access. In June, a modified open plan will include inside seating. Hopefully by September, the community room will be open for gatherings.

  • FSCPL Michele

    • Distributing their newsletter today. Focused on capital campaign for other branches.

FLF Discussion

Approval of the Mission statement

  • Comments/question

  • Should it be a statement or bulleted?

  • Important that we use a graphic that helps to highlight the mission. Agreement to explore a meaningful graphic.

  • Moved to agree on revision of mission statement: Diane McCormick; Second: Jenn Mount

All agreed–see statement in addendum

FLF Values:

  • Brainstormed a list of values

  • In small groups, worked to organize into statements: see addendum

Leadership Team meetings: perspectives on meeting times and structure

  • This time or later; 6-7:30; 5 – 6:30;

  • Agree to start at 4:30 tentatively (check with Cindy Sekkel and Kirsten Hill)

FLF Team reports:

Treasurer’s report: Michele Our CF Flex Fund is $103,304 in first quarter statement Park team: Jenn. The May work party accomplished weeding and blackberry removal.

Communication Team: Valerie. Team is working on the new website, and getting close to finishing the content.

Events Team: Nancy. The first Storybook Walk is ready to mount in the park on May 8 at the Art Hike to Heal event by SC Park Friends.

New Member:

Unanimous vote to add Moana Whipple to the Leadership Team

Next steps

Next meeting June 1, 4:30-6

Agenda building: Complete values; Community Outreach planning



The Felton Branch Library and Discovery Park is a vibrant community center for learning, sharing, and discovery–a welcoming place with space and services to inspire and connect people of all ages.


  • Identify and support the library, park, and community-led programming and services.

  • Collaborate with community organizations, Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Santa Cruz County Parks, and the San Lorenzo Valley Water District on agreed-upon projects.

  • Advocate for the needs of the library and park.

  • Fundraise for identified needs not covered in library or park operational or capital budgets.

Values: We believe…

Creativity: we work together to create this library experience


Community assets: supporting the community assets

Add the park to all these statements

Opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning for all types of people

Opportunities to become involved and for community members to share knowledge

Inclusiveness, community-based

Connection (to resources and to each other)

Connection to neighborhood and environment

Connections between different lifeforms and are interrelated

Environmental stewardship indoor and outdoor learning


Room 1: Donna, Moana, Valerie

Community Assets, Environmental Stewardship

Room 2: Diane, Michele, Rebekah

Opportunities, Creativity

Room 3: Jennifer, Nancy

Collaboration/unity and community based, inclusion, Connections

Community Assets/Service to support: We believe…in honoring and building on the resourcefulness and resilience of our community

Environmental stewardship indoor and outdoor learning: We believe in creating a sustainable future by promoting opportunities for environmental learning.

We believe that all life forms are connected and the well-being of all is interdependent.

Connection: We believe that all life forms are connected and the well being of all is interdependent of each other.

Collaboration: We believe that collaboration leads to inclusiveness, equality and understanding within the community.


We work together to create this library/park experience

We believe in the ability of individuals to create a community experience in the library and park, and results in an environment that inspires.

We believe in the ability (in the creativity) of individuals to create an inspiring library and park experience.


-indoor outdoor learning for all types of all people

-to become involved and for community members to share knowledge.

We believe in…

Creating opps for indoor/outdoor learning for all types


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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