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Meeting Notes 2/2/2021

FLF Meeting Notes: February 2, 2021

Felton Library Friends Steering Committee Notes

February 2, 2021, 4:00-5:30

Desired Outcomes

  1. Strengthen relationships among members

  2. Shared understanding of current/future Library and FSCPL activities

  3. Suggestions about formation of the Boulder Creek Friends Chapter

  4. Agreement on website design and next steps

  5. Agreement to requesting crosswalks on Gushee


Rebekah Scott (guest – Operations Manager for the FSCPL); Bruce Cotter, Michele Mosher, Nancy Gerdt, Jennifer Mount, Diane McCormick, Valerie Haff, Donna Ziel, Jenn Mount, Kirsten Hill, Cindy Sekkel, Jackie Danziger, Angie Lyons

The Library World

Library Advisory Commission Bruce

LAC meeting was mainly about the budget and funding process for the Library. Reelected Lindsey Bass for chair and Bruce for vice-chair. Brought forward a series of suggestions to make it easier for people to communicate with the Commission. Workshop materials available on the Commission page on the Library website. One point of note: Library is in better financial condition than expected because online sales have risen.

What is happening at the Felton Branch? Angie/Jackie

  • System-wide: Valentine’s day grab bags that kids can decorate have been well received; Black History collage going up; recorded Storytime focusing on Black History; sending a kit with a blank crown with collaging materials; will be reading several books including “Radiant Child”. Lots of activities including on Instagram. Also LGBT book month. This month was young children, next month young adults. Writers’ night once/month; had 14 people including comedians from New York; first Wednesday of each month.

  • Question about collaborating on the “story walk” proposed by the Park team. There are some barriers to overcome that Jackie is pursuing. Kirsten has explored the copyright issue to overcome that barrier. Could friends do this if Jackie can’t do it herself? Resounding “yes”.

  • Checked out Library innovation lab funding. Jackie attended a webinar; offer up to $5k grant money to start. She has approval to pursue it if she has time available.

  • System just hired a small flex team to fill in for staff that are so busy.

  • Building had a little leakage from the storm, but no damage.

  • Yesterday, put out an ad for a librarian for Scotts Valley.

  • Staff is in Vaccine group 1C. Maybe March.


ED hire now posted; 60%-time job. Ask Michele for a link. Posted on “Indeed”. One of the things that came out of the retreat is that board members signed up to be liaisons with libraries that have no Friends group. Bruce is the liaison with Boulder Creek.

Boulder Creek Library Chapter Bruce

Working with Jenn Hooker and Molly Bischoff to build a Friends chapter in Boulder Creek. Suggestions from this group for outreach to organize:

  1. Parent’s Club at Boulder Creek Elementary

  2. Ask Middle and High School Parent groups

  3. Hallie Green from Boulder Creek Recreation

  4. Boulder Creek Business Association

  5. SLV Rotary: Cindy Sekkel

  6. Valley Women’s Club: President Alisan Andrews

  7. Consider timing: promote around the time of the branch opening

  8. Organize a “virtual walkthrough” of the library prior to opening

  9. Boulder Creek Neighbors (Kevin Foster) and Ben Lomond Neighbors

  10. SLV Post: contact Mary Anderson

  11. Press Banner

  12. Radio Station KBCZ

Website Revamp

Discussion: What was your experience when you looked at the FLF website and the Chamber website? (Judi/all)

  • Liked the event link on the Chamber website; reflected their values about a strong community

  • Liked stories

  • Smaller images on the blog; harder to read text

  • Liked library history and see images of history

  • Liked the “discovery” part of the Park section; could add to that which could draw people in with different interests

  • Maybe add a discovery section with articles, blogs that connects with Park section

  • Liked Dan’s story – would like more content on stories

  • Sometimes parts of the site mention another part of the site, but with no link; make it easy to donate

  • On Chamber website, had issues using Safari; some text cut off. Loved visuals, but empty space on the screen

  • Extra vertical white space

How we keep our website up to date (Nancy)

Website gone through many changes. Used this WordPress platform for many years. Platform difficult for a layperson to change. Takes a long time for new things to be added by our website volunteer. Mary Anderson suggests WICs platform, Wix, to facilitate others adding content and to improve user experience with more links.

Next steps for redesign (Nancy)

We already have lots of content and decide what to keep. Valerie has agreed to help. Mary will be able to put it up and we’ll be able to learn to add things.

Rebekah: FSCPL revamping its website now. Looking for similar branding and look and feel. Might we want to be more aligned? FSCPL could then offer more support. The platform is WordPress though anyone will be able to make changes.

What are the pros and cons to aligning?

What would be “restrictions” or similarities? We need to be clear on protocols.

Scotts Valley also making changes. Next step: Nancy, Michele, Valerie, and Grant have conversation.

The FLF World

Treasurer’s report Michele

$65,586.79 is in our account after giving $100,000 to the Community Foundation for our Flex Fund. 2021 budget includes up to $10K for park; $50K Library

Park team Jenn

Go forward with the Storybook Walk in March. Rotary coming for a workday, and scheduling first volunteer workday with Margaret. Going to train a group to lead volunteer days which will be the first Saturday of the month. Installing a bench for shade. Continuing to look at shade options in the park. Moving forward with plant identification. The sundial is a challenge because it is expensive to make it accessible and friendly to the eye.

Donor relations team Donna

Team met and discussed plans for postcard outreach to major donors. Agreed that Feb. is too soon to send something. Want a Happy Birthday banner in front of the library. Regarding outreach to donors: Feature called “What’s in a Name?” in each newsletter will feature one major donor who named a room or space in the library. Each member will reach out to donors to understand motivation to donate. There will also be a feature on a member of the Steering Committee after this. Looking ahead, they will partner with the events team around 2022 for a donor event..

Events Team Diane

Treat bags to librarians; Our Community Reads (John Lairds presentation included in a YouTube video); look at OCR website for events at different times during the days; April Zilbur doing a cut paper workgroup on 2/13. Register online

Nancy -Library birthday ideas: Nancy ordering a Happy 1st B-day sign;from VistaPrint; put it out front; Nancy will discuss this with Diane before ordering. Ask people to post a greeting on Facebook; FLF bookmarks by the check out machine with a “happy birthday” sign.

Crosswalk stripes: Resource Conservation District looked at plan for extending sidewalk to the museum and stripe the x-walk at Hihn. It is in the plan but there is no date for the plan. Suggests we write a letter to Supervisor McPherson to request it. All agree to send a letter Michele will send draft to SC for approval.

Next steps

  • Next meeting: March 2, 2021

  • Follow up to Boulder Creek Friends progress

  • Update on Website revamp

  • Agree on second meeting in April or May

  • Community Outreach purpose

  • Review FLF Vision, Mission

  • For future meeting: consider FSCPL Values for adoption; Confirm FLF Values


“Libraries matter for the same reason parks matter. Because to blossom, human beings need public spaces that

enable play, freedom and social contact without any ties to consumption.” — Laila Jufresca

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Banner photo by Kristin Vincent. Additional photos throughout the website by Caitliin Atkinson and other contributors.

Felton Library Friends
P.O. Box 1245
Felton, CA  95018
831-427-7716 (messages)

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Felton Library Friends (FLF) is a chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

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